
A Module is a self contained unit of Tasks intended to achieve a particular goal. A Module is installed in a Droid Project where it is integrated with one or more Targets. A Module may provide file assets such as configuration templates for use by its Tasks.

Droid can make use of locally developed Modules and those published in git repositories. A number of Modules are published as part of the Droid Project on GitHub. Examples are droid-module-timezone which reconfigures the tzdata platform package to set the time zone; droid-module-apache-vhost which will set-up an Apache 2 virtual host; and droid-module-mysql-repln which will configure a cluster of MySQL servers for Binary Log replication.

We will see how to use a Module and how to create one.

Use a Module

A Module is first installed into the Project and then integrated with a Target.


To install a Module, we first register it with the Project by adding an entry in the modules Project Configuration. We provide a name by which we will later refer to the Module and provide the source URL from where it is obtained:-

name: "A Droid Project"
description: "This is an example of using a Module in a Droid Project"
    "timezone": ""

Next we execute the module:install Command at the command line:-

$ vendor/bin/droid module:install

which should result in the following output as the Module is installed:-

Installing droid modules:
- timezone from git
Cloning from into droid-vendor/timezone
Cloning into 'droid-vendor/timezone'...
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Total 16 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 16
Receiving objects: 100% (16/16), done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
  Switching to branch master

The Module is installed into its own folder, within the Project's droid-vendor folder. When Droid encounters a reference to the Module, it will look for it in a folder of the same name in two locations:-

  • droid-vendor: where Droid installs Modules obtained from git repositories.
  • modules: where locally developed Modules should be placed. See the section entitled "Create a Module", for more information.

We can make use of the Module now that it is installed.

Integration with a Target

The Tasks of a Module are executed as part of a Target in which the Module is included. To include a Module in a Target, we add an entry to the modules [Target Configuration][conf-target]. We provide the same name we earlier gave to the Module when it was registered with the Project:-

            - "timezone"

To complete the integration we provide any data expected by the Module's Tasks. In this example, we want to provide time zone information. The timezone Module documentation reveals that we should provide values for two Variables:-

    area: <string>  # for example, "Europe"
    zone: <string>  # for example, "Amsterdam"

We might provide these values as Project Variables where they are accessible to all Tasks in the Project. We would provide the values as Target variables if we wished to use a Module in more than one Target and with different values. We would provide the values as Host or Group Variables if we wished to run the Module on a number of Hosts, each with differing values. In this example, we will provide them as Target Variables; so the Project configuration now looks like the following:-

name: "A Droid Project"
description: "This is an example of using a Module in a Droid Project"
    "timezone": ""
            area: "Europe"
            zone: "Berlin"
            - "timezone"

The Module is now integrated with the Target named make_website: when the Target is run, the Tasks of the Module will be executed.

Multiple Modules may be integrated with a Target in this way and their order of execution is the order in which they appear in the list of Target modules.

The Tasks of Modules will execute before those of the Target itself. So, the Target Task in the following example would display "Europe/Berlin" instead of whatever was the zone before the Module changed it:-

        timezone: {area: "Europe", zone: "Berlin"}
            - command: "shell:exec"
                  command-line: "head /etc/timezone"
            - "timezone"

The order in which tasks and modules were declared in this example is therefore confusing: it is clearer when we declare them the other way round.

We have seen how to use a Module in a Project. Let us now look at how to create one.

Create a Module

To demonstrate the creation of a Module, let us go through the process from the beginning. We shall see how to create a Module that will set-up scheduled backups using the duplicity backup software. The requirements of the Module are that it should:-

  • provide for three cron jobs: full backup, incremental backup and removal of old backups
  • allow the backup schedule to be configurable
  • allow configuration of a list of files to be excluded from the backup
  • allow configuration of the destination folder for the backup files
  • allow configuration of the number of backup sets to keep
  • allow configuration of the backup name

To keep this example from getting too in-depth, we will:-

  • backup as the root user: our Module won't need to create user accounts or deal with file access privileges
  • backup the root of the file system
  • set the backup destination as somewhere on the same file system instead of dealing with the various destination options duplicity provides

Let's begin. First we will create a folder for the Module in an existing Droid Project. We shall name our module "duplicity-backup":-

$ cd myproject
$ mkdir -p modules/duplicity-backup

We create a Module Configuration at modules/duplicity-backup/droid.yml with the following content:-

description: "Set up duplicity backup"
    mod_duplicity_backup: {}
tasks: []

We've given a description of the module and defined a Variable named mod_duplicity_backup. The Variable will be used to provide data to the Tasks and can be overridden in the Projects which use the Module. The name of the Variable is a convention which helps make it clear that the data pertains to this Module.

Our first Task will install the duplicity package. For this we will use the apt-get:install Droid Command. Its help text shows us its arguments and options:-

$ vendor/bin/droid help apt-get:install
  apt-get:install <package>

  package               Name of the package(s) to install

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

  Installs package(s) through apt-get on Debian based systems

So we add our first Module Task:-

description: "Set up duplicity backup"
    mod_duplicity_backup: {}
    - name: "Install duplicity"
      command: "apt-get:install"
      sudo: true
          package: "duplicity"

We use the sudo property of the Task so that the command is executed with the privileges it demands.

Next, we want to be able to provide a file to duplicity which will contain a list of files to exclude from the backup. We will create a file template that our next Task will populate and copy to somewhere duplicity can read it. We need a Variable to provide a list of excluded files and we can provide a sensible default list:-

            - "/dev/*"
            - "/media/*"
            - "/proc/*"
            - "/run/*"
            - "/sys/*"
            - "/tmp/*"

Now we need a file template into which we'll write the list of excluded files. We create a folder within the Module to hold such "assets" as this:-

$ mkdir modules/duplicity-backup/assets

and we create a template file assets/excluded-files.list.template with the following content:-

{% for file in mod_duplicity_backup.excluded_files %}
{{ file }}
{% endfor %}

The content of the template is Twig syntax. It will cause each entry of the mod_duplicity_backup.excluded_files Variable to be printed on its own line.

We must make sure we don't backup the backup!. Let's add another Variable to hold the path to the backup destination (again, providing a sensible default) and then make sure this is also written into our excluded files list:

        destination: "/var/backup"

Our template now looks like this:-

{% for file in mod_duplicity_backup.excluded_files %}
{{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{{ mod_duplicity_backup.destination }}

We will use the fs:copy Droid Command to copy the content of the file to the Host. Droid will use the Twig template engine to transform the template into the desired content. Here is the next Module Task:-

    - name: "Copy the list of excluded files"
      command: "fs:copy"
      sudo: true
          src: "@{{ mod_path }}/assets/excluded-files.list.template"
          dest: "/root/excluded-files.list"

Note that we have used a the name of a magic Variable in the src Task Argument: mod_path is the path to the Module's folder and allows a Module to locate itself and its assets.

Next, we schedule the duplicity backups. We need a few more Variables:-

        name: "backup"
        max_sets: 2
            cleanup: "30 12 * * mon"
            full: "30 5 * * mon"
            incremental: "30 5 * * 2-7"

We provided some sensible default values for the name of the backup; for the maximum number of backup sets to keep when older backups are removed; and for the schedules for each of the backup jobs, in the usual cron format. We will use the cron:addjob Droid Command to add the three jobs to the crontab:-

    - name: "Schedule the removal of old backups"
      command: "cron:addjob"
      sudo: true
          name: "{{ }}_cleanup"
          schedule: "{{ mod_duplicity_backup.schedule.cleanup }}"
          username: "root"
          job-command: >
                         remove-all-but-n-full {{ mod_duplicity_backup.max_sets }}
                         --name {{ }} --force
                         file://{{ mod_duplicity_backup.destination }}
    - name: "Schedule the full backup"
      command: "cron:addjob"
      sudo: true
          name: "{{ }}_full"
          schedule: "{{ mod_duplicity_backup.schedule.full }}"
          username: "root"
          job-command: >
                         /usr/bin/duplicity full --no-encryption
                         --name {{ }}
                         --exclude-globbing-filelist /root/excluded-files.list
                         / file://{{ mod_duplicity_backup.destination }}
    - name: "Schedule the incremental backup"
      command: "cron:addjob"
      sudo: true
          name: "{{ }}_incremental"
          schedule: "{{ mod_duplicity_backup.schedule.incremental }}"
          username: "root"
          job-command: >
                         /usr/bin/duplicity incr --no-encryption
                         --name {{ }}
                         --exclude-globbing-filelist /root/excluded-files.list
                         / file://{{ mod_duplicity_backup.destination }}

The job-command Task Argument takes advantage of Yaml's "folded style" which will result in one (long) line with the new lines and extra white space removed.

Our Module is now functionally complete and can be integrated into a Target in our Droid Project. Let's create the Project configuration file:-

name: "Testing the duplicity-backup Module"
    "duplicity-backup": ""
        hosts: my-test-machine
            - "duplicity-backup"
        droid_ip: ""
            - "/dev/*"
            - "/media/*"
            - "/proc/*"
            - "/run/*"
            - "/sys/*"
            - "/tmp/*"
            - "/usr/local/droid/*"

In the Project configuration we have registered the Module with the Droid Project by providing an entry in the Project modules. Since this is a locally developed Module there is a need neither to provide a source URL for it, nor to install the Module with the module:install Command. We do need to make sure that the name we gave matches the Module's folder name, so that Droid can locate it. We have included the Module in a Target named setup_backup which execute Commands on the Host named my-test-machine. Finally, we override one of the Variables mod_duplicity_backup.excluded_files so that we may exclude some additional files.

Our Project folder should now look like this:-

|_ droid.yml
|_ modules
   |_ duplicity-backup
      |_ droid.yml
      |_ assets
         |_ excluded-files.list.template

We are ready to run the setup_backup Target:-

$ vendor/bin/droid setup_backup

We should see something like the following output (this example has been shortened for clarity):-

Droid: Running target `setup_backup`
Task `Install duplicity`: apt-get:install on my-test-machine
Host my-test-machine: package=duplicity
my-test-machine Begin droid enablement.
my-test-machine Finished droid enablement. Success.
my-test-machine apt-get install -y duplicity
my-test-machine Reading package lists...
my-test-machine The following NEW packages will be installed:
my-test-machine   duplicity librsync1 python-lockfile
Task `Copy the list of excluded files`: fs:copy on my-test-machine
Host my-test-machine: src=data:application/octet-stream;base64,L2i...
my-test-machine {"changed":true,"start":1478215336.3923,"end":1478215336.3924}
Task `Schedule the removal of old backups`: cron:addjob on my-test-machine
Host my-test-machine: name=backup_cleanup schedule=30 12 * * mon ...
my-test-machine I have successfully created the job "droid_backup_cleanup".
my-test-machine {"changed":true,"start":1478215337.0049,"end":1478215337.0057}
Task `Schedule the full backup`: cron:addjob on my-test-machine
Host my-test-machine: name=backup_full schedule=30 5 * * mon username=root ...
my-test-machine I have successfully created the job "droid_backup_full".
my-test-machine {"changed":true,"start":1478215337.6269,"end":1478215337.6277}
Task `Schedule the incremental backup`: cron:addjob on my-test-machine
Host my-test-machine: name=backup_incremental schedule=30 5 * * 2-7 ...
my-test-machine I have successfully created the job "droid_backup_incremental".
my-test-machine {"changed":true,"start":1478215338.2342,"end":1478215338.2348}
Result: 0

Success! Duplicity is installed and three jobs were placed into /etc/cron.d: one for the cleanup; one for the full backup; and one for the incremental.

This Module may now be reused in this or in other Projects and is easily configured with different schedules, excluded files and so on.